Skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and memory care centers all have different needs, and they need flexible service options that best fit their facility’s challenges. From medication fulfillment to pharmacy consulting, MedScript LTC Pharmacy fills many roles within a healthcare organization.
Following all federal, state, and local codes required to maintain accreditation, as well as keeping up with eligibility requirements for Medicare and Medicaid payments, remain critical components for long-term care centers and assisted living facilities. That’s why MedScript employs an in-house consultant pharmacist team who are well-versed in long-term care pharmacy mandates in Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. While other pharmacy providers outsource this service, MedScript’s clinically skilled team utilizes acclaimed software applications to provide resident-centered care, minimize risks of adverse outcomes related to drug therapy, and reduce hospitalizations or readmissions.
Maintain patient safety with monthly drug regimen reviews
Medication management involves so much more than filling prescriptions. Periodic audits should include checking for expired products, reviewing dosages, and identifying potential drug interactions for every resident. Not only will these reviews keep your residents safer, but they can also improve internal processes and reduce waste. Monthly reporting ensures key stakeholders have the important data to keep operations running smoothly. MedScript can assist with chart reviews to keep your facility compliant with CMS regulations, including:
- Gradual dose reduction and psychotherapy monitoring
- Disease state management review and recommendations
- Antibiotic stewardship review and education
- Untreated disease review and recommendations
- Polypharmacy review and recommendations
- Medication indication compliance review
- ADR and drug interaction resolution review
- Lab monitoring review and recommendations
- High-cost agent intervention review and recommendations
Provide specialized reports for key management
Whether you are a facility administrator or a director of nursing, keeping your C-suite in the know takes a lot of time and planning. MedScript pharmacy consultants can ease this challenge with a choice of monthly or quarterly reports for management including:
- Physician and nursing recommendations to promote CMS compliance
- GDR tracking charts
- Recommendations for follow-up stat reporting
- Psychoactive medication utilization reports relative to national and state standards (Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky)
- High-cost drug utilization reporting
Participate in quarterly meetings and assessments
Your pharmacy consultant can join your administrative team to participate in quarterly meetings to discuss issues specific to your facility or staff, such as GDR reporting or quality meetings. Do you have other needs? Contact our team to see how we can help.
The MedScript team has been an exceptional partner to Rolling Meadows for many years. Their dedication and commitment to providing for our residents is unmatched. During a snowstorm in January of 2023, Aaron Drake, COO at MedScript LTC Pharmacy, personally drove several hours away to hand deliver the medication to our building for our residents. Aaron and his team at MedScript operate with our mindset at Rolling Meadows – Resident First. We at Rolling Meadows are thankful for this relationship with MedScript.
– Peyton Byrd, HFA
It's time to get more value from your long-term care pharmacy. Let's talk about how MedScript can work for you.
Pharmacy Services
Nursing Services
Contact MedScript
MedScript pharmacy consulting services include:
- Gradual dose reduction (GDR) recommendations
- Monthly drug regimen review (DRR) recommendations
- Documentation process review
- Chart reviews for CMS compliance
- Medication management
- Drug regimen reviews
- Monthly reporting, including
- Provider level reporting on narcotic use
- Behavior monitoring
- Antibiotic use
- Refills due
- First dose usage
Do you have other needs?
MedScript also offers specific drug regimen reviews upon request, such as:
- Fall review requests
- Change of health status requests
- Antibiotic therapy reviews
- 24-48 hour follow-up